We participated in the breath-to-future afforestation campaign for April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day.23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı İçin geleceğe nefes ağaçlandırma kampanyasına katıldık. #23NisanGelecegeNefes


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Sevda Öztuna-Şehit İbrahim Cengiz İmamhatip Ortaokulu-mixed country team works

Sevda Öztuna- Şehit İbrahim Cengiz İmamhatip Ortaokulu - Our project was presented by Şehit İbrahim Cengiz İmamhatip Secondary School Science teacher, Hicret ÇEBİ, at Yıldız Technical University in a doctoral course.